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Firm Announcement

Dodge & Cox announces a planned firm leadership retirement and several changes to our Investment Committees. Read announcement.

Our People

Our investment philosophy and process depend on the expertise and knowledge of our people—many of whom have spent decades at Dodge & Cox.

A single team with one focus

We work as one diverse, global investment team, rigorously researching debt and equity securities, and incorporating financially material ESG and macro factors. Our Investment Committees build conviction for our investments by pressure-testing our thinking collectively and making every decision together. Our engaging, collaborative environment pushes us to accomplish our very best. That’s why most of us dedicate our careers to Dodge & Cox, ensuring stability and compounding our intellectual capital across generations. This institutional memory—combined  with our collaborative approach—makes us uniquely suited for long-term investing, continuously seeking lasting value in a rapidly changing world.

Our Investment Committees

  • U.S. Equity Investment Committee
  • International Equity Investment Committee
  • Global Equity Investment Committee
  • Emerging Markets Equity Investment Committee
  • Balanced Fund Investment Committee
  • U.S. Fixed Income Investment Committee
  • Global Fixed Income Investment Committee

U.S. Equity Investment Committee

We believe investors benefit from our team-based approach to managing investments. Through close collaboration and debate, we bring our best ideas forward. The primary responsibilities of the Committee, whose members’ average tenure at Dodge & Cox is 22 years, include:

  • Setting and reviewing U.S. equity investment strategy, and continuously assessing opportunities and risks to the portfolio.
  • Evaluating and debating analyst recommendations and analyses to collaborate on buy, sell, and position-sizing decisions across individual holdings and sectors.
  • Overseeing the strategy’s implementation and monitoring portfolio holdings, making changes when appropriate.

Our Committee members are Dodge & Cox shareholders and invest in the Stock Fund.

David Hoeft

Chief Investment Officer, Investment Committee Member, D&C Board Member

31 years with Dodge & Cox

Steve Voorhis

Director of Research, Investment Committee Member

28 years with Dodge & Cox

Phil Barret

Investment Committee Member, Global Industry Analyst, D&C Board Member

20 years with Dodge & Cox

Karim Fakhry

Investment Committee Member, Global Industry Analyst

19 years with Dodge & Cox

Katie McCarthy

Investment Committee Member, Global Industry Analyst

17 years with Dodge & Cox

Ben Garosi

Investment Committee Member, Global Industry Analyst

15 years with Dodge & Cox

Our time-tested approach

Over our more than 90-year history, we have continuously enhanced our approach as markets globalized and deepened. We devote all our energy to helping our clients achieve their long-term investment goals.

Our philosophy and process

We've employed the same, time-tested investment philosophy since our founding in 1930—guiding us through periods of market turbulence and enabling us to help our clients meet their long-term investment goals.

ESG integration

We consider financially material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors as part of our detailed, fundamental research process.


The years with Dodge & Cox figures are updated annually in May.